
Use Tags

How to Use Tags

CW Attachments offers a tagging system to organize files and whole folders for further filtering.

Tags can be added by simple typing and choosing the autocomplete offers of already existing tags. If you want to add a new tag, just use ENTER key to set the tag.

File Tags


Files can be filtered by tags in frontend layout views. For showing the TAGS filter, please enable the filter in Folder settings


You can also decide to show / hide the filter title "Tags:"


Masonry Layout


List layout



Folder Tags

Folders can be tagged for filtering on frontend view of Folders  menu item.



Display Filter by Tags has to be enabled in menu item settings


Manage Files

Managing Files

Let's take a look at the Files management.

Upload Files

Upload Files from Desktop



Add Files from Joomla Folder




Sorting Files

Files can be ordered by simple drag and drop method.



Delete Files

Deleting Single File can be done via X icon on the File Card.


Deleting Multiple files can be done by Selecting Files by clicking on Check icon and then using the Action button Delete Selected Files. Then Confirm the action in Modal Window.



Move Files


Select the Category where you want to Move selected Files and Confirm the Action.


Access Level

Assigning an Access Level to Files can be done in bulk. Select Files and use an Action Button to set an Access Level.


Files assigned to a specific Access Level will be displayed only for users with required permissions.


Assign Language

assigning a Language to Files can be done in bulk. Select Files and use an Action Button to set a Language.


Files assigned to a specific Language will be displayed only for this language mutation on frontend.




Folders can be displayed in different Layouts. Layout can be set in default Component Options or individually for each Folder in Folder Settings. Also Module or Menu Item have their Layout Settings.


Masonry Layout

Masonry is a grid layout based on columns. File Cards are used and placed into the vertically aligned collumns filled with defined spaces.Masonry layout is also referred to as the Pinterest Style Layout, as it was the first major website to use this layout style.

layout 1

List Layout

List Layout displays files as a simple blocks of file details. List layout can be set into single or multiple columns. It depends on your desired output. With displayed rich descriptions might be suitable to use single column. If you would feel the page too empty, split the list into columns.

layout 2

Grid3D Cube Layout

Grid3D Cube Layout displays square grid of cubes with 3D hover effect.

layout 3


Raw layout is suitable for placing attachments inside the content as inline elements.

Hint: you may use syntax {cwattachments start=1;count=1} and settings start parameter for desired attachment - to place them one by one to desired spots in the text.

cwattachments raw

Loadmore Options

Loadmore Options

CW Attachments provides a Load More functionality for improving usability of the folder output in order to keep usable the whole website with large folders. If your folder contains a large amount of files, it is highly recommended to use the Loadmore Option enabled.

Following Options can be set paginating the folder content:

  • Initial Files limit - How many files will be loaded on page load initialy
  • Loadmore limit - How many files will be loaded additionaly on Loadmore trigger
  • Loadmore Type - How is the Loadmore triggered. Either by Button Click or Automatically on Scroll


Advanced or Simple Interface

Advanced or Simple Interface

Gallery Edit Interface can be set to either Advanced(full) or a Simple version. As default settings an Advanced Interface is applied to Manager, Administrator and Superusers Group.

If you want to modify the settings, please note the ACL Permissions rule Advanced



Advanced Interface


Simple Interface


How to use Syntax

Let's find out what can be achieved with CW Article Attachments Syntax...

If you dont want folder displayed under(or above) article content, but inside the content, you can use plugin syntax. Default syntax is {cwattachments}.

#Example 1: Basic syntax usage

{ cwattachments }
this syntax will display whole gallery with parameters that are set in plugin (or in article which override global plugin settings)


#Example 2: Displaying part of folder

you can display only a part of uploaded files in a folder instance.

{ cwattachments start=1;count=3}
this syntax will display part of gallery - 3 files from 1st one

{cwattachments start=1;count=3}

{ cwattachments start=4;count=3}
this syntax will display part of folder - 3 images starting from 4th image

{cwattachments start=4;count=3}

#Example 3: Displaying selected files from folder

you can display only a part of uploaded files in a folder instance.

{ cwattachments list=2,5,7}
this syntax will display part of folder - only selected files on 2nd, 5th, 7th

{cwattachments list=2,5,7}

#Example 4: Layout change

you can set the folder layout output settings via syntax:

{ cwattachments layout=grid3dcube}
this syntax will display Grid3D Cube layout - rest of parameters taken from article/plugin settings. Don't forget, you dont have to set these parameters via syntax if you set your folder in article/plugin settings to work as you wish. We use the syntaxes to show multiple folder instances where each one is different.

{cwattachments layout=grid3dcube}


Syntax parameters can be combined... only exception is that list will override start/count parameters. For example you can use syntax as {cwattachments start=1;count=5;layout=masonry;cols=3}


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