CW Article Attachments - Compare Free vs PRO versions

Available featuresFREEPRO
Drag and Drop files upload
Drag and Drop sorting files
Using syntax for placing attachments inside Article content
Responsive layout
Load Attachments from Another Article
Edit Attachment Caption
Edit Attachment Description
Edit attachments image
Extended syntax usage - parameters
Multiple attachment instances inside Article
Layout options - custom settings for displaying desired informations about attachments
Publish status of attachments
Access Levels - option to set access level for each attachment individually!
Access Levels - option to set default access level for each new uploaded attachment
Filter attachments by Access level
Set if all files should be visible or only authorized - unauthorized will be visible but locked
Download button for attachment in administration - can be useful:)
Category filter - can be set a filter for categories in which articles will be plugin available for
Sorting syntax
Unlimited upload 1 attachment per article
Multilingual Attachments
Using files from /images/ folder
3.x 4