- CW Article Attachments
Installation & Guide
Install PACKAGE of CW Article Attachments plugins containing:
- CW Article Attachments (content plugin)
- CW Article Attachments Ajax Upload (ajax plugin)
- Button - CW Article Attachments (editor button plugin)
After installation publish all three plugins (you can use link from post-install description).
....And that's it. You dont need to configure anything else and you are ready to go!
...unless you want to ;) Then follow the guide...
What can be set in parameters?
Parameters for loading attachments can be set either globally in CW Article Attachments plugin or individually for each article in CW Attachments Tab in article edit form, which will override global plugin settings. Last way of influencing attachments output is via syntax - where are some available options for use.
- Upload Directory - path for upload folder, start and end with / - example: /images/cwattachments/
- Accepted Files Types - you can define which file types of images can be uploaded
- Accepted types - Manuall settings - Comma separated list of extension, fill like: .zip,.pdf,images/* . These will be added to the main file tags above
- Files Limit - limit of images that can be uploaded in one article
- Attachments Position - above or under article content. If { cwattachments } syntax is used, this will be blocked
- Enable in Category Blog - if gallery should be displayed also in Category Blog view
- Show Icon - Show Icon of file attachment extension in Attachment layout
- Show Filename - Show Filename in Attachment layout
- Show Filesize - Show Filesize in Attachment layout
- Show Description - Show Description in Attachment layout
- Open in browser - define which file types should be opened in browser instead of direct download while being opened
- Default access level - can be set in plugin settings for all new uploaded items, also in article settings
- Category filter(only in plugin settings) - can be set a filter for categories in which articles will be plugin available for
Options for cwattachments SYNTAX
- start - from which image should gallery load images - { cwattachments start=4}
- count - how many images should gallery load - { cwattachments count=8}
- list - list of image indexes will show only selected images (this will override start and count syntax - { cwattachments list=2,5,11}
- articleid - id of article from which should be attachments loaded - this way can be loaded attachments from any other article into some article.
- sort - sort=desc ...or... sort=asc ... will cause the change in sorting direction
Separator for syntax codes is ;
{ cwattachments start=4;count=8}
will display list of 8 attachments from 4th attachment.
Want to see more about what magic can be done with this cool little yet powerfull plugin?