
Update from version 4.2 to 4.4

How to Update CW Article Gallery from version 4.2 to 4.4

1) Update the package

1.1) Go to Extensions -> Manage -> Install

1.2) Use dialog window or Drag and drop the ZIP package into the upload area

cwgallery update 44


As description says, new version is working with galleries folder structure on server. Therefore in orded to make it work properly, it is NEEDED to do the migration process. Luckily, all is automated under the process triggered by Create gallery folders button. Please use it.

3) Publish Plugins

2.1) After update, all plugins should already be published. No new plugin has been installed. To be sure, please go to Extensions -> Plugins and check, eventually publish all CW Gallery Plugins

installation plugins

4) ...done ;)

After migration is done, you will be redirected to the CW Gallery component view with list of galleries.

You may check if everything went well and you can view all images inside the galleries correctly. Also please check on frontend view.

During the migration, aliases of galleries were initialized from gallery titles if it was necessary. They were used for naming the gallery folders on server.

cwgallery update 44 done

That's it.... :) 


Features List

CW Article Gallery

  • Intuitive Modern Interface
  • Adds a TAB for gallery management directly into Joomla Article Form
  • Using plugin syntax to place the gallery ANYWHERE on site
  • Drag and drop image upload / sorting
  • Thumbnails set - set of thumbnails with differect aspect ratios to provide most suitable tumbnails for the gallery layout. Fully customizable.
  • Possibility to re-generate thumbnails within article edit
  • Possibility to re-generate ALL thumbnails in Component Options
  • Watermark - powerful watermarking system with rich options
  • Possibility to re-generate watermarks within article edit
  • Possibility to re-generate ALL watermarks in Component Options
  • Responsive Modern Gallery Layouts
  • Touch Swipe support
  • Loadmore functionality - ability to load additional images above the definied initial limit via Button or onScroll event
  • Posibility of using images from the server folder - using already uploaded images from /images/ folder
  • Ability to set resize of original images during upload
  • Access permissions via Joomla ACL (on articles, category, menu)
  • Edit image caption
  • Edit image description
  • Options to set image captions and descriptions visible in gallery view or image detail view
  • Edit image thumbnail - create custom thumbnail with image crop editor
  • Modern Lightbox engine
  • Video viewer
  • Using multiple syntaxes in article content to display multiple galleries in article view - each with own settings and different part of images from whole gallery
  • Publish Status of Images
  • Download button for image in administration - can be useful:)
  • Hide/Show unpublished items in administration - can be useful:)
  • COMPONENT - for managing ALL galleries from one place
  • MODULE - can display images from multiple galleries, possibly with Filtering
  • Editor button to add gallery syntax into article text
  • Joomla 4 Alpha - COMPATIBLE


How to Install CW Article Gallery

1) Install the package

1.1) Go to Extensions -> Manage -> Install

1.2) Use dialog window or Drag and drop the ZIP package into the upload area


2) Publish Plugins

2.1) After installation, please go to Extensions -> Plugins and publish all CW Gallery Plugins

installation plugins


Update from version 2.x

How to Update CW Article Gallery from version 2.x to 4.2+

1) Update the package

1.1) Go to Extensions -> Manage -> Install

1.2) Use dialog window or Drag and drop the ZIP package into the upload area


2) Publish Plugins

2.1) After installation, please go to Extensions -> Plugins and publish all CW Gallery Plugins

installation plugins

3) Recreate Thumbnails

3.1) Migration from version 2 to 3 brings a need of thumbnails regeneration as version 3 comes with a new thumbnail system. Thumbnails are not regenerated during installation process as it may take a long time on sites with a lot of images in the CW Gallery.

3.2) Go to Components -> CW Gallery -> Options -> Tab THUMBNAILS

thumbnails init


3.3) Click the button RECREATE THUMBNAILS




Create a new Gallery

How to Create a new Gallery

CW Article Gallery brings a powerful admin interface, yet easy-to-use. Rich Options configuration allows you to create a beautiful galleries with modern layouts and image overlay effects.

Generally there are two ways how you can create a new gallery:

1) From the Component as a standalone Gallery

A Gallery can stay unassigned to any Joomla Article or it can be assigned to a selected Joomla Article. It can be unassigned again anytime later.

2) From the Article Edit Form

A Gallery can be created directly from the Article Edit form.

How to Create a new Gallery from Component

How to Create a new Gallery


1) Go to menu Components -> CW Gallery and click to NEW button in toolbar

create gallery

2) Set a gallery Title or leave it blank and click CREATE button

create gallery1

3) Now you can start working with the gallery manager

create gallery2

How to Create a new Gallery from Article Edit

How to Create a new Gallery from Article Edit

1) For a New created Article that has not been yet saved, Gallery manager will be yet disabled.

create gallery article1

2) During Article Edit - Gallery Manager is available, at first you need to Create a Gallery

create gallery article2

3) Article Edit with already created Gallery

create gallery article3


Display a Gallery

How to Display a Gallery on website

There are generally several ways of how can be a gallery displayed on the frontend:

1) Inside the Article as directly attached

Gallery is created in the Article Edit form the TAB CW Gallery. The gallery is connected to the Article ID.

This can be done in two ways:

a) create a gallery in the Article Edit Form from TAB CW Gallery

display article

 b) from the Gallery Component by Assigning the Gallery to selected Article

display gallery


2) From the Menu Item

Create a menu item for CW Gallery. This will display selected galleries.

display menu

3) From a Module

Create a CW Gallery module. This will display selected galleries.

display module

4) Using plugin syntax

Using syntax like {cwgallery id=986} will display a gallery output ANYWHERE on the site.

display syntax